Sunday, March 24, 2013


Experience has taught me that the leading cause of misery among humans is our refusal to tap into our ability(otherwise called Empathy) to feel each other's pain. This enables us to, both, inflict misery on others and to inflate our own misery.  With right nurturing this ability (that helped us humans survive so long) can be enhanced but it is almost fashionable these days to display apathy (to appear carefree). 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hyderabad blast

The comment here is too little too late, but had to be made.  Totally condemn the act of horrendous violence committed in Hyderabad this week.  I hope we can keep the focus on the affected families and utilize our common resources in providing any and every help to them.  The perpatuators of these acts have tried to take these lives for granted, let us prove them wrong.  In fact let us attack this notion of using violence to teach a lesson/as a deterrant/ make a point.  I also hope we will soon learn why this act was carried out and work towards finding a way out of this madness, rather than finding a few scapegoats, sacrificing them(with much celebration) and then moving on.  And while we are working on others not taking lives for granted we can also start looking at the lives lost in India to hunger(5000 kids a day), farmer suicides and state sponsored violence(direct or structural) and work towards addressing them. To paraphrase MLK, let us not repress or cause outburts of anger, let us harness anger under discipline for maximum effect.